I’ve loved Stuart’s music since AV01. I was amongst those pressing (folding, stapling and mutilating) him to bring out an Altered Vistas soundtrack album. (You need not imagine my feelings upon the release of MUTANT & VORTEX – my responses are on the relevant AV Review pages in all their lurid pose.) I always play tracks1 & 2 whilst reading the latest Mechmaster pages (I get them monthly) &/or any other Dalek reading material (and if I’m really lucky something by Iain McClumpha – the posterboy of unfinished Dalek stories…) WARMONGER opens with a delicious set of ambient/tone-poemy compositions, after which a more Dalekly-strident ‘fanfare’ announces the arrival of Dramatic Tracks… and Creepy Themes. More than the obvious genre-style of ominous moods and martial rhythms, Stuart’s music has lovely subtleties along with some seriously rockin’ numbers – plus an ear for sounds that thrills mine. Having lately elected to favour a particular 90s/00s TechnoOutfit, ‘Eat Static’ (who’ve had the taste to use the odd Dr Who-sample from time to time) I’d love to hear what EMPIRE 639 could do with the techno format (he thought as he listened to WARMONGER 1st time – then blimey! A technotrak!!) Stuart’s mixes are often even better than these well-produced CDs, with a wider stage and spacious placement of sound elements which can fill the space with elegant simplicity or get real busy & complex with elegant simplicity (or eloquent samplicity – or grandiloquent symphocity, programmed on his Electronic Synphoney) Lately, I’ve been quite overwhelmed by Dalekness having finally at last in the end caught up with the last 3 Dalek Chronicles (what riches!); StarTigers2; the excellent AV01 remaster’ and the pleasures of WARMONGER. For this splendid excess I’d like to thank Clifford Hoefft for dubbing these delights – also Kerry Hewitt for previous Oz-dubbings – and special thanx for my original early Altered Vistas discs (from the Source! – does that make them Collectors-items?). Listening as I am to it now, WARMONGER’s Funky Dalek Muzak is just the mood you need when stooping to conquer… hmm, I think I’ll go Conquer Lunch – a tasty little Platter in the Commissary System. However, due to extreme Late-Shift I’m deep in the Red end of the Fiscal Spectrum. So I’ll have to Conquer a tin of Sardines from the alternative micro-universe of Pantry-Space instead. |