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   Genesis of Evil (NEW VERSION) AV20
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For centuries, war has raged on Skaro between the Dals and the Thals, but Dal War Minister Zolfian and Chief Scientist Yarvelling have devised a scheme to rid themselves of the Thals for all time. They plan to detonate neutron bombs and mop up any survivors with an army of deadly robots. However, nature conspires against them and it looks like all life could be wiped from the face of Skaro. What could survive such a devastating explosion?

With all new animation rendered in Cinema 4D, a heavily revised soundtrack and new bonus features, this adaptation really does promise to breathe new life into the classic comic strip. To get your copy, please click here.

Below is a selection of images from the new version of this opening story...

   Genesis of Evil : New Gallery
Zolfian in typically cheery mood
Lovely, shiny Emperor.
It was a long walk from the pub back to Zolfian's house and Yarvelling really wasn't sure about this neighbourhood...
Zolfian's first dance, mime and improv night was a roaring success
An evil scientist in his lair. Yesterday.
Getting that 'Genesis' vibe?
Yarvelling had forgotten his reading glasses, so decided to pretend that he could still see the display...
You should see his Not At All pleased face. Ooh, scary...
Also available in red, blue and black.
Skaro, a regular home from home...
There's deadly explosives in them there hills...
Kevin the Dalek was having a very bad day... and then it got worse...
Skaro in ruins. Radioactive, glowing ruins...
Zolfian always looked forward to camping trips with his friend Yarvelling, despite the obligitory camping songs...
The corrugated iron look was all the rage on Skaro that year, though Zolfian felt it made his flat look small...
All brains? Try telling that to the dole office, mate.
'This factory is just a summer job for me,' said Dalek One. 'I'm really training to be an accountant.'
The Emperor in his base. We all have to start somewhere...
The humanoid Dalek-shaped rugs did little to brighten the new apartment...

All of the characters in this new version were completely remodelled and retextured from scratch to take full advantage of what is now possible.

One of our first glimpses of the Emperor. Unfortunately, Zolfian and Yarvelling are otherwise engaged in being stone dead so miss the shiny-domed spectacle.

Always one of my favourite sequences from the original production - but now it all moves! Whoop!

Many of the original sets have been retextured, reworked and reused in this new production, augmented with better shaders and lighting to produce something altogether more professional in appearance.

Advanced lighting systems add a whole new level of reality to the scene, such as these internal lights in the columns behind that evil scientist there.

Our first glimpse of a Dalek, lit to give it something of the feel of the Daleks in Genesis of the Daleks. There’s mist swirling around in this scene too.

Yarvelling checks a display warning of imminent bombardment by meteor. Here I reproduced the original shot but enhanced it considerably with all new models and graphics.

Zolfian gets a sneak peek at Yarvelling’s groovy new robots and is rather pleased with what he sees. That’s his quite pleased face, by the way.

And who wouldn’t be wearing their quite pleased face when the groovy robots look like that? A modern and timeless design classic. No home should be without one. With exterminatory capabilities.

Again the model is a heavily reworked version of the one seen in the original Genesis of Evil, but thoroughly retextured and relit to take advantage of Cinema 4D’s capabilities.

This is where it all began for me - the first sequence ever created for the Dalek Chronicles, but now completely reworked so that everything moves - even the background mist.

A Dalek cradles his dead son as the neutron storm rages across the surface of Skaro. Sorry, this isn’t a very cheery caption, is it?

The aftermath of the neutron explosion. Skaro was hardly a favourite picnic spot before the blast, but the bomb has done very little to improve it, though now, at least, it glows at night.

Zolfian and Yarvelling take shelter for the night in a ruined building. What’s the betting there’s something nasty lurking in the darkness?

The accommodation wasn’t quite as had been described in the brochure, and Yarvelling was sorely miffed that there was no en suite as they had been promised.

Gliding across Skaro’s poisonous surface, telling all and sundry that it can’t work because it’s all brains...

With Yarvelling and Zolfian weakening, two Daleks watch the creation of a whole new race of Daleks. Beats watching repeats on the telly any day of the week...

The Emperor has spoken and we all know by now that the Emperor’s words are law. He might want to issue a decree about the decor. Rust and decay are so last season...

A bird’s eye view of the Dalek production line from the final scene of the story.