Prog. 1: The Terrorkon Harvest (18:43) 2: Virtual Tour – Blackpool (DW) Exhibition 1982 <bonus> (5:36) 3: Cadet Sweet Cigarette Cards – Story Two (cards 26-50) <b> (12:18) Prog. 2 review: "Virtuous Exhibitionizm" A clever, and mostly successful, use of still-photos in motion to evoke an experience of walking through a 1982 Doctor Who exhibition (with some pix from Roger Smith's other attendances in '81 & '83 tacked on the end). Apart from failing to adequately dwell on the pic of the "Sentry Dalek" on the way in*, and the (otherwise) unnecessary stop at the one featuring the Traitorous Usurping-Upstart Davros with a pair of his Perverse Prototype Flunkies (preEmperor-period Daleks), this interesting 'slide-show' (in more ways than the obvious) works well as an idea. [* Our Dalek Masters will hear about this! ] Indeed, with a collection of the best (plus 'alternative-angle' shots) photos by various attendees, this kind of presentation would make an ideal series of records for such exhibits. Pleasingly atmospheric & subdued background music is provided by EMPIRE 639 (although there are no pix of this obscure ensemble busking at the show so I presume it was played as Muzak –or 'Whozak'– on the PA). Good Effort – 3 Timelords out of 10. Prog. 3 review: "Ciggie Cards – Sweet Cadet Story (Second Pack – suckers 26-50)" Stuart reprises his role as narrator for the other story-set of Cadet Sweet-Cigarette Cards featuring an even younger (black-haired) 1stDoctor – presumably in an even earlier episode – having yet another Canonically-anomalous/anachronistic Dalek-adventure! (Although this one could pass as an uncharacteristically flamboyantly-dressed 7Doc?) A 'dormant' Dalek is taken by Terran forces, but (as Stuart cleverly observes) like with 10Doc, it will not speak with anyone but The Doctor! Stuart also properly notes that the scripting for this set is better, more narratively-written material. Perhaps they'd given up on the idea of a Storybook for these cards by that time? There are a couple of very cool spaceship-pix, especially The Doctor's being attacked by Daleks on 'TransolarDisks'. There's also a nicely synchronistic (see Prog.1 review) glimpse of a Terrorkon and a specific reference to their appearance in the Dalek Book (where they were called 'Horrorkons' from/on another world in 'The Monsters of Gurnian'). In a nicely rare moment the Daleks rescue "Doctor Who", but it is the run-amok Nutronium-refining machine that is the 'feature creature' of this story, threatening to beat the Hand Of Omega to the job of destroying Skaro! So here The Doctor must Save it first (although there Is an ulterior motive it seems). My favourite card is a scene between The Doctor & Golden Emperor (supposedly where they are calculating the timespan before the destruction) which I subtitle: "The Doctor indicates the Daleks are Screwed, but the Emperor insists they are Welded". Prog. 1 review: "The TerrificCon Dividend" (The Terrorkons have had quite a good innings in these scripts – unlike Phrynians or Zerosian Robots – having appearances in several previous stories, including their debut in The Dalek Book as 'Horrorkons', and being their last showing, this is their Big Titular Moment farewell-feature...) We flash-back to D.C.#7 (AV07) "The Nuisance Of The Morons", at the end of which the Emperor of the Dullhicks (in his new 'sub-bling' casing) has resorted to "underground funding streams" to escape the "serious economic collapse" of Dullhick City under an onslaught of "Advertising Propaganda from the blitz of PromoBalls" broadcast by the Snortmon's Demonstronic 'Emptibrain-Moronbots'. As the Dull Emperor "emerges from the Underworld upon the shores of the Lake Of Amortizations with a bright new Futures Portfolio ahead", he is "traumatized by the sight of a two-pronged 'Terrific-Con' emerging from the Liquid Assets." The Emperor then "takes a psychotic-break, during which he transacts into a Xenophobic Megalomaniac intent on Corporatizing the entire Universe. The Future is Doomed!” It is now then quite some time later before the Emperor discovers what became of the TerrificCon during the meanwhilst of all that time that the Dullhicks have been rebuilding, having more adventures, learning new stuff and getting more sophisticated in general terms & considerations. One of the considerations with which they've come to terms is their own name. Since defeating the Snortmons and their Demonstrative Moronbot Salesforce (by firing a Volcano at them) the Dullhicks have: started a war with the Mechanonoids; driven the Phunniest people in the Galaxy underground (keeping all the aboveground bars, bistros & nightclubs for their humourless selves); played Cosmic Pinball with a Rouge Planetoid (the 'Planette of the Daleks'); discovered the existence of a mysterious (and never-heard-from-again) Robot called '3D', that cheats at Cosmic Pinball and rescued the planet Mechanonus* from being sunk ("left-corner pocket, canon off the 'Omega3' via a backspin around the magnetized-asteroids") and thus consider themselves pretty 'worldly'experienced nowadays. So they have come to see themselves as “hicks” no longer, rather as descendants of the 'Koolheads' and, being "darlings of daring" thus rename themselves the 'Darlinks'. (Isn't Skarosian history fascinating!?) [* not to be confused with 'Mechonanus' the planet of uptight tecky wankers who can't even find grils they're so geeky ] The Darlink Emperor (ocularly nicknamed 'GoldenBall') has ordered an Accounting of Assets for the DataBank Of Skaro (Unlimited) and one team of Auditors head for the Lake Of Amortizations to establish a Liquid Measure thereof. The Lake itself is a Balanced Economic Formulation (of 2-parts Hydro, ie, units of market-expansion, to 1-part Oxo – market-reduction or "rust" as opposed to 'Trust') which, when spread over an Economic Landscape, or 'development-opportunity', creates a "Level Paying Field". Despite the fact that, beneath the surface, some parts are Rises & Peaks whilst others are Slumps & Troughs, the 'little-people' in smaller, unprotected communities in the lowlands will get wiped-out (Economically Exterminated) and the 'higher-ups' will excessively benefit in the expansion of their profit-bases (Money Mountains) so it all balances out as far as the overall Wealth Pool is concerned. Which is why they called it the Lake Of Amortizations. However, the Auditors arrive in their 'aqui*-boats' only to discover that an uncontrolled outbreak of TerrificCons has 'done a rocket' in the unregulated Lake and have multiplied out of proportion to their originally Limited Portfolio. [* 'acquisition'boats or 'hoover'bouts ] Market-pressures are highest at the bottom of the Pool so the Auditor Darlinks must induce the TCs to invest their energy more productively below the privileged shallows of the Lakeside, resorting to electrifying Protective Barriers to deny the TCs access to Surface Investments and limiting them to Bottom-of-the-Harbour schemes. The TerrificCons mount a Corporate Action, attempting to rub-out the entry of the Auditors, swamp their inputs, sink their 'aquiboats' and wash-out the Darlink Accounts so as to dissolve the debits and drown their numbers. The Darlinks' ProfitstreamBarriers and their attendant TarriffControls are violated by the TerrificCons' aggressive Economic Politics & swiftly-sudden surprise secret Hostile Takeover Bid for executive control of the Amortization's seaboard. The TCs are set to ride a rocket-profitmargin to an explosive position in the 'boom' market. Back at the Darlink-StockpileMarket, GoldenBall (DEO of Darlink-GalacticEnterprises,Ext.) debates the situation with the Red*Darlink who suggests dropping an Economic Bombshell. [* so-coloured for being Greatest-in-Debt to the Emperor and under exclusive service-contract until he paid it Black ] The Emperor rejects this offer, pointing out that such a move would generate Business Instability and that the TCs are needed for keeping Sharks out of the Pool. Instead he proposes that some other 'Investment-Attractor' be lowered into the Lake Of Amortizations to bolster Investor Confidence and stir up the requisite Financial Inducement for redirecting the TC's cash-flow and reducing their profiteering Interest-Rate. Meanwhile, the real Target Figure is the burgeoning 'Nucular Fools' market (the Darlinks having cornered the Solar Credit for their own SolarTransaction-Disks which keep the Darlink Financial Empire hovering about the upper-reaches of their ResourceGrabs & ClaimJumps) and while the TerrificCons are diddling each other in the overheated deep end, the Darlinks jump into the Lake at the cool & calm business-conditions end of the Financial Pier. Unfortunately, the discovery that the TerrificCons have made off with a copy of the Master Prospectus for the Darlink Investment Plan sets off a panic-flight of Darlinks who evacuate their accounts and flee the marketplace in a run from the DataBank. To counter this trend, Emperor'GoldenBall' & 'In-the'RedDarlink sneak off to the Industrial-PowerHouse and siphon-off the GrossNutritionalProduct from out of one of the major Economic-Pipelines and insert themselves into the Funding-Stream. This transacts them directly to the purloined Portfolio which the TCs have found can't be opened for unauthorized investment without causing a meltdown in the Financial Sector. Goldie & Red manage to resecure the Portfolio when the TC responsible fo(u)r keeping its eyes on its performance is distracted by a fresh HostileTakeoverBid from 'E.E.L.' (Evil Electrosemantics Legion) with an offer to Upgrade their franchise by amalgamating with a separate Economic Blockage called the 'Cyphermen' who are 'een now engaged in securing the greatest EconomicWeapon* the Banking universe has even known. [* see 'Blank-Ledger' ] E.E.L. & the TC get caught up in a dramatic (& violent) Public Legal Tussle for control of the Portfolio, leaving GB & RD free to pick up the pieces, tie-off loose ends & close the loopholes and (with their plunger-marks all over it) brazenly repackage the whole thing as a Nucular Option, having plugged all the leaks before the Nucules ran out! The Darlink Emperor closes the meeting with these words: "Our {(city)Commerce} is saved, but let us {(search)Survey} our {(planet)Portfolios} and {(discover)Disclose} all their {(dangers)Deficits}". The Future is Doomed(again)! |