Ep.14: Shadow Of Humanity [24:40] Give-A-Show – part 2 [6:55] Cardiff Exhibition 2008 [9:13] Episode 15 Trailer [0:35] 4. EpicOde 15 preview: Seems to be an ad for ‘Triffid-Exterminators’ at first. Whatever could be worse than Mobile“VegetationPests”? Ohhh…it’s not the Daleks being threatened here, rather they are the Threat – what a novel twist! Those humanoids better look out; the Daleks would only >>PREVENT-THE-PLANTS-ACHIEVING-WHAT-WE-ARE-DEDICATED-TO-ACHIEVE<< out of a need to prevent stimulation of Emotions, such as Jealousy – besides they’d do it just to be First (that’s not an emotion, it’s a Need!). 3. ‘Could-If’ DrWho Exhibitionist 08: An odd thing I’ve realised about these ‘reports’ is that whilst one can imagine how interesting it would be to get a close view of favourite Items-of-Who, the viewer is still watching pictures on a screen (which look much better off “av@home”) and only tantalising glimpses where dwelling would have been nice… is that a function of camera-time or surrepticity?! At least this one’s a straightforward video-summary of an event shared in the spirit of Fannish desires... Also cute is an ‘extra’-within-an-Extra (unfortunately of RTD’s egoizing & crap jokes). [The part of ‘Edi Ting’ was played by Stuart Palmer] 2. Chad Valley GAS Projector: Contains: ‘The Feat Of The Daleks’ in which DK3 is distraught and the rest of the Louis Marx scamps scram and scarper off to Skaro (we presume). And ‘Skewed Reform Of Daleks’ in which the Daleks fail, for the first time, to learn from the vulnerability of their Eyestalks (and not to have fitted a coat-dehooker or hat-doffing attachment). Shades Of Individuality: Opens with the Daleks massed for mailcall, chanting: >>MAIL!-MAIL!-MAIL!...<< The Golden Emperor announces the construction of a new mailroute to the Lake of Amortizations to increase Dalek Economic Expansion and speedier processing of Security Cheques. Three Dalek Groups (TheDalekBook1964, DalekEmpire & DalekWorld) are selected to fulfil separate tasks according to the Dalek Master Planning Office statutes re compartmentalization of DalekProjectGroups to prevent excessive Abuses-of-Power by inevitably ambitious Groups exceeding their remit and Conquering&Destroying more than, or ahead of, the Golden Emperor who sets the standard Abuses-of-Power levels for all other Daleks. (There is a sequence of quite lovely multiple-Daleks movements animation during this…) Group1 is to establish the best route after surveying the hazards to be avoided (indians, highwaymen, robber-barons, corrupt sheriffs, obstreperous Thals, etc). Group2 must provide material support (scalpers, roadlayers, roomclearers, mindproblers, pest-exterminators and rolls of aluminuminium-foil). Group3 are the tidy-uppers & detailers whose job it is to remove all unsightly distractions along the mailroutine such as: scenery, views, vistas, landscapes and other matters of aesthetic-interest – like: flowers (eg, the ‘SoleVine’ – which, if inhaled with DalekNutrient-Gas, causes vivid delusions of isolation & self-importance; ‘Deafodills’ – which render Daleks incapable of forming successful plots whilst refusing to listen to the slightest criticism, a standard component of NutrientGas obviously; & ‘Roses’ – which they previously ignored, quite liking their thorniness, until Season 1 of TNS after which Daleks refuse to touch them and avoid like a cure for the plague) cute animals (eg, ‘Treehuggers’, ‘Dropbears’ & ‘Roadhogs’), Thal tourists, alien environmentalists and anyone working for the Pants Press. The process hits a snag when a lone Dalek in response to the massed affirmation of Dalek Supremacy plaintively pipes up with “I’m not”. The Golden Emperor whirls around in his self-propelled Lectern and demands to know “who said that!?” The Dalek responsible, suffering a crisis of non-individuality, cannot answer without standing out from the crowd, but is hemmed in and unable to move. A ClassMonitorDalek rushes to the front and, positively Red with pride & eagerness-to-toady, admonishes the class not to defy the HeadMaster. When the culprit fails to own up, the GoldenHeadMaster sends the entire Form3 to the detentionroom for exams and gives the rest of school a halfday-holiday for being obedient swots. In Detention the suspect Daleks are made to stand in front of a pair of ‘embarrassment-red’ mickeymouse-ears [Dalek equivalent of a DunceCap (a good comic-visual opportunity deftly avoided by Stuart onscreen but not, alas, in my head!)] and recite the Mouse-kit-ears Club motto: “Walt Disney is a Faker, Terry Nation is a Champ, if Davros is our Maker – I’m a spotty little Scamp!” While the candidates are being Invigilated, GoldenHeadMaster & RedClassMonitor glide aside to engage in scholarly discourse (in which we get an excellent explanatory speech by the Emperor – extending on Whitaker’s original text, Stuart turns this story into one of the most in-depth scriptings of the Dalek p.o.v.). GoldenHM tasks the Science Unit to discover the Rogue Element in the hope that it will help disclose a Stable Element (sound familiar?). He orders that the suspect Group be “watched carefully” – a radical departure from the Daleks’ usual standard of ‘watching clumsily’. We get a rare glimpse of a Dalek upon hoist ready for a lube-job (a spot of “splat&trickle”) as GHM & RCM rummage through the student lockers in search of incriminating evidence and illicit mushroom-juice. Apon entering the commonroom (which has a tastefully minimalist enlarged DalekIDsigil as wall-décor) they discover to their shock, horror & consternation that what should have been a small Class Project on the extermination of Mobile-VegetatianPests has been turned into a fullscale Flower-Power Research Centre (a job for the Dalek Master Planning Office, I think). GHM visits the DalekHistory-Professor for a spot of backstory (very nicely done this bit, one of Stuart’s many clever ‘fillers’ that brilliantly Extend the Story rather than being mere ‘padding’) which turns into a lovely exposition of Dalek Philosophical Enquiry (another brilliant Stuart Padder moment). GHM then swings by the PhilosophyDepartment to see if they have any Historical Views, but, being Disciplinarians, they refuse to speak outside of their Expertise. Being predictable, this part was cut out of the original story and is inserted here as a DalekVerbalDescriptive ‘extra’. Meanwhile, the contaminated covert ResearchStudent-Dalek has been transformed by Flower-Power into a Plant-Liberationist and has taken to lurking in beauty-spots (such as bogs & swamps) to protect them from Stable Elements amongst the Daleks – ie, the other 99.9%. Unfortunately its tendency to myopically follow Dalek-tracks in search of ‘The Despoilers’ causes him to erase the entire local environment following his own trail. His dome spinning from History, Philosophy, Science & Authoritarianizm lessons, GHM ducks into the unoccupied Gym for a quick nap (Power, of course) during which he experiences disturbing dreams (brilliantly composited by Stuart) of a SkarossianDoll nature. RedClassMonitor catches GHM with his guard up and who, hurriedly tucking in his shirt, insists that he wasn’t doing anything sweaty & perverse in the corner – or at least nothing of the kind that wouldn’t normally happen in GymClass under proper supervision by the appropriate sadistic pervert in charge. Meanwhile, the Plant-lib Dalek has formed a GardeningClub in direct contravention of the Dalek-DressCode and is provoking an internecine conflict with the CrushedFlowerCollectors (CFCs) who are accused of damaging the Nozone Layer. Chanting: >>GUILTY!-GUILTY!-GUILTY!...<< the Dalek plant-lovers press forward against the CFCs to oppress their pressings. GHM & RCM confer with the blackly-colourful DalekHeadBoy on a means to resolve the conflict – preferably to the disadvantage of both parties. (Daleks hate parties.) However, the plant-crazed FlowerPower-Dalek has taken over the campus and issues new slogans for his Arboreal Troops. His insanity, however, is made clear by his incomprehensibly claiming that Daleks are UGLY(!) whilst singing: >>I-FEEL-PRETTY – OH-SO-PRETTY – AND-WITTY – AND-BRIIIGHT!<< , then goes further into unconscionable madness by stating impossibly that Daleks are MONSTERS!(?).
GHM, RCM & DHB lock themselves in the HM’s study to wait out the revolting Daleks (tho’ they wouldn’t’ve put it that way themselves of course). Immediately ignoring his own instructions (Emperor’s Privilege I spose) GoldenHeadMaster goes out and confronts FlowerPowerDalek who is getting carried away with unaccustomed individuality and now claims to be the most beautiful Dalek of all – which flies in the face of the HeadMaster’s pointing-out how beautiful his own Golden PartyBossesUniform is. Unfortunately for FPD his stamen is short, his FlowerPower wilting and before he can point his pistil in other-offense he is cut down by a swathe of neutralizer-fire from GHM’s cadre of Prefects. He has been granted his cry for Freedom (Destruction – the only freedom a Dalek can know) at last (sniff). GHM gives a rousing speech to the school assembly: >>INDIVIDUALITY-IS-FOR-HUMAN-BEINGS – DESTROY-HUMAN-BEINGS!<<. The entire school repeats this inhumantra (in rote regurgitative recitation) adding: >>THAT-IS-A-DALEK-ORDER<< - but somewhere within this Dalekacophony can be heard: >>THAT-IS-A-DARK-CORRIDOR<<… Despite apparently not much actually happening in this very short (only 4 pages) story originally, Stuart’s many masterful additions have made it a visually-impressive extended introspective-meditation* on Whitaker’s script - and to make something that lives a collective-whilst-individually-imprisoned existence “introspective” is quite an achievement! |